Division of Food Biotechnology and Microbiology


Head of the Division: dr hab. Stanisław Błażejak, prof. SGGW

Tel. (022) 59 37 658
Fax. (022) 59 37 681
e-mail: zbmz@sggw.pl



Offer for practise

  • Microbiological testing of raw materials and food products in conformity with the Polish Standards PN-ISO (mainly in the field of: Salmonella, coagulase positive staphylococci, coli-form rod-bacteria, total number of bacteria and fungi, endosporous anaerobes).
  • Determination/verifying of food products expiry dates.
  • Assessment of microbiological life of cosmetic products.
  • Qualitative and quantitative changes in micro-flora during storage trials of food.
  • Expert opinions and consultancy in the field of food microbiology and fermentation industries.
